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Entry ford/fees
Posted by Kitnhead
6/10/2013  5:30:00 PM
I dance pro-am. The studio fills out all of the competition forms and then presents the students with a bill. I asked if I could fill out my own forms and they looked at me lie I was crazy. Some of the competitions lock their price pages, some do not; but or sure, the studio is charging a lot on top of the normal competition fees. Does anyone else experience this, or do you fill out your own forms?
Re: Entry form/fees
Posted by ladydance
6/11/2013  1:21:00 PM
You must be with a chain studio because they control the money and pay the pro. All comps post their entry forms on their websites so I presume you are talking about an in-house comp run by your studio chain.
I usually sit down with my instructor and we fill out the form together only because I cap how much I will pay. So we figure out how I can get the most bang for my buck. We figure out how many single dances, championships etc., I can fit into my budget. I pay exactly what the comp is asking. Anything else, is itemized by my pro and a bill is given to me afterwards. There are no hidden fees, no misc. extras. I have always been very up front about what I will pay for and how much. It is a conversation every student should have with their pro/studio but many students don't want to look cheap or make their pro/studio angry so they don't talk. You should know exactly how much extra they are charging you and how they came to that amount. Do they charge by the dance, by the day? Studios pay the pro very little and keep the lion's share for themselves. I believe pro-am fees should be completely transparent. Keep asking questions, it is your right.
Re: Entry form/fees
Posted by Clary
6/12/2013  7:53:00 AM
Please note that there are lots of NDCA competition organizers that do not post their fees, and entry and package costs online, and they state that they will release that information ONLY to teachers/studios. Virginia State is one that is like that. I find that position to be ridiculous. If a competition organizer will not tell me, the one who is to pay to attend their competition, what the prices are, then I will not attend that competition. If they want to "remind" me that their prices are wholesale and that studios/teachers may add on additional costs/fees, fine.
I have no idea how an independent amateur couple, one that may not be affiliated with a studio, is to obtain pricing information from those kinds of competitions. Frankly, we have other choices, as many other organizers DO post their prices, and we seek out those competitions.

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